Welcome to my website.
I offer services in engineering geology. Since 2003 I have collaborated on several projects, surveys and constructions. Located in Ústí nad Labem, I work mainly in North Bohemia, in case needed in the entire Czechia and other countries as well. I speak Czech, Slovak and Hungarian fluently, English on an advanced level. My customers are market leaders, important companies, state institutions and private persons as well.
I can also offer services in the field of hydrogeology through a third party contractor.
Do not hesitate to contact me. We will definitely find a solution for your needs.
Best regards
Mgr. Károly Alföldi
Professionally. Detailed. Fast.
Service offer
Engineering geology
- engineering geological and geotechnical surveys
- surveys of rock massifs
- evaluation of field and laboratory tests
- onsite geological and geotechnical supervision
- technical reports and expertises
- publications
Hydrogeology (in collaboration)
- hydrogeological surveys and assessments
- collection and evaluation of samples of drinking and utility water
- comprehensive construction of wells from project to registration
- absorption surveys
I offer the above services for all infrastructure, industrial, residential and water management construction.
Whom I work with
- Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR, p.o. (related to Czech highways)
- Lesy České republiky, s.p. (related to Czech forestery)
- Povodí Labe, s.p. (related to Laber river catchment area)
- Policie České republiky (related to Czech police)
- KOMOVIA s.r.o. (private company dealing with highway construction supervising)
- SUDOP PRAHA a.s. (private company dealing with highway construction design)
- ČEZ Distribuce, a.s. (electrical power supply)
- ORLEN Unipetrol a.s. (petrochemical)
- Vodohospodářský rozvoj a výstavba s.r.o. (private company dealing with water management construction design)
- VIAMONT Servis a.s. – MONZAS, spol. s r.o. – EZ Stavební a.s. (construction companies)
- CONTERA Management s.r.o. (hangar building)
- STRIX Chomutov a.s. (rock massif solutions)
…and many others.
Mgr. Károly Alföldi

Ve Smyčce 2146/2, Ústí nad Labem, 400 11
Masarykova 633/318, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem, 2. floor, door no. 229
+420 731 323 144
Identification number: 02946319
Tax identity: CZ7907076925
data box: 5pnnhaa